Sharon & Chin Tee – Upgrading Made Simple

Case Study 2 Sharon & Chin Tee


I met Sharon and Chin Tee on June 15. A nice couple who had always been exploring options to upgrade from their current HDB, they never got to materialize their plans, and the question was really why? In fact, not only had they visited a few show flats, spoke to many real estate agents, done numerous financial calculations, they had even gotten a good balloting queue number for an EC. Yet, they chose not to purchase.


I fully understood their grappling concerns when we finally met.  One of the greatest reasons why most Singaporeans are not geared towards upgrading is the fear of risk – the risk of having the financial burden. After all, we are so accustomed to the safety net of holding a HDB flat. Why in the world should we put ourselves into any unnecessary financial risk/burden?

During our sharing session, I explained the importance of  the theory of “Assets Progression” and why we should never stop looking out for opportunities. I also touched on why age and income play a hugely important aspect of our property assets progression plan.

Today, both Sharon and Chin Tee are the proud owners of a new 4 bedroom EC with a great potential upside. I am really grateful that I am part of their “Assets Progression” journey and I am just too excited for them and anticipate the day their key finally arrives.

Make an appointment with me today and let me
guide you towards achieving your dreams.